Uzbek food: Pilaf, Secrets of cooking

Pilaf is the most famous Uzbek food. It's known across the world as it's very tasty and nourishing.

The Legend is that when Aexander the Great came to conquer Central Asia coped with the problem of feeding very huge army. Asian Food differed from greek that is why Alexander solved the problem and ordered to mix rice with meat, So that soldiers did not feel hunger. the next years pilaf gained its name and additional ingridients as onion, carrot and spicies.

Pilaf has very appetizing colour. The secret is the colour of fried onion. Now I will tell you the secret recipe of Uzbek Pilaf.
Ingridients: rice 1kg (stretched or "Alanga"), 
meat (lamb or beef) 800gr
carrot (sliced) 1kg
onion 2 pieces
300-400 ml of oil
spicies called "zyra", raisins, barberry or peas at your convinience.
cast iron cauldron

1 step:
cut onion, carrot and meat.

Now fry in the chaudron the onion until it gets the colour you want your pilaf. for example dark or yellowish.

Step 2^

Add meat and fry it about 20-30 min.
! do not shut chaudron with the cover 

Step 3

Salt meat before adding carrot
add carrot and zyra. (+ other spicies)
fry about 15 min.
after 15 min add some water (you should almost cover carrot with water but no more)
Stew your ingridients about 15 min

Step 4

Add rice. and add some (little) water (cover rice with 1,5 cm of water)
close the lid and leave for 40-50 minutes on low heat.

After 40 minutes your pilaf is ready)

Step 5

Put the rice in the lyagan (big plate), cut meat and impose a racoon on top, to get the slide.
Also, you can make salad "Achichiq-chuchuq" (I was writing about it in previous article) 
cut Tomatoesn cucumbers, onipn, add salt and your salad is ready.

Bon apetit!


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    1. Yes of course! Thank u for following! I enjoy reading your blog)))


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