Welcome to the heart of Asia

Hi Everyone! 
This is the first article of my new blog which is devoted to the style, fashion and culture of Uzbekistan (Central Asia)
I was inspired by the workshop with German Blogger Mary Scherpe (Stilinberlin.de) and french photographer Cyrille Robin (Cyrillerobin.com).

The second day of the workshop was devoted to the photography in streets and we went to Uzbek Bazaar Chorsu. Therefore, I want to share my photos made in this place.
so let's start with the ancient part of Tashkent city.

Tashkent is a capital of Uzbekistan. It has a great history from the 2 B.C. now it is more than 2200 years. Tashkent was a part of Persian and Macedonian empire B.C. Additionally, during the Middle Ages it was a part of Ephtalits, Turks, Mongols and Empire of Great Amit Temur called Tamerlan. 

Nowadays, Tashkent consists of 2 parts: the Old city and the New Tashkent. Chorsu Bazaar is situated right in the old part behind old mosque "Kukaldosh" (about 17-18 cent.)
In Chorsu you can find everything: from national clothes which are full of bright colours to the finest food.

People who work in Chorsu love their job as they knew that the would sell family commodities when they were children. 

Besides the products you can also find there some cafes with national food as Shashlik (kebab from meat), Lagman (soup with noodles, meat and vegetables) or famous Palov (rise and meat)

Of course during the walk you will meet people who sell national bread called "Lepyoshka" or "Patir"
When you will be in Chorsu don't forget to taste fruits, especially in spring and summer. There are a lot of delicious strawberry, cherries, apples and pears.
 Finally i think you must buy almonds, pistachio and dried apricots, because you will never find the alternative in any country and as it is very cheap.

Thank You so much. Wait for more new articles,
XOXO Anastasia


  1. Насть, поищи мой комент среди папок ожидается модерация или спам...

  2. я просила разрешения дать ссылку на тебя в следующем посте в моем блооге.... у меня только продуктовая часть базара... а у тебя и вещи есть))
    и ещё покапайся в настройках и отмени проверку комментариев кодом - капчу , это усложняет жизнь комментирующих)))

    1. Хорошо постараюсь найти)

  3. Анастасия, у Вас с Камиллой отличные фотоотчеты получились, спасибо за возможность окунуться в мир восточного базара! Было бы здорово увидеть продолжение про рынок и другие достопримечательности Вашего города.

    1. Не за что, надеюсь вам понравилось)) Ждите еще фотографии)


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