Uzbekistan in the scope of World Media
- Finding the Heart of the Ancient Silk Road in Uzbekistan. Article about Uzbekistan on my favorite CN Travel
- "Bukhara in Uzbekistan. Everyone who knows me knows my fascination for public baths, from onsens to jimjilbangsand even Russian Turkish baths in New York. The oldest public bath, or hammam, is in Bukhara, a city that has remained unchanged from the time of the Silk Road. They speak about Tamerlane like it was just yesterday". - Business mirror
- Is This the Underground Everest?
Far beneath a remote mountain range in Uzbekistan, explorers are delving into a labyrinth that could be the world's deepest cave. by NatGeo Travel
- King of Uzbek food Piaf. It is made for wedding, for all anniversaries and holidays. The taste is amazing. The guardian writes about it
- Amazing Bukhara from the eyes of Euronews directors
- Must visit place. Miracle place in Samarkand
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