Welcome to the heart of Asia
Hi Everyone! This is the first article of my new blog which is devoted to the style, fashion and culture of Uzbekistan (Central Asia) I was inspired by the workshop with German Blogger Mary Scherpe ( Stilinberlin.de ) and french photographer Cyrille Robin ( Cyrillerobin.com ). The second day of the workshop was devoted to the photography in streets and we went to Uzbek Bazaar Chorsu. Therefore, I want to share my photos made in this place. so let's start with the ancient part of Tashkent city. Tashkent is a capital of Uzbekistan. It has a great history from the 2 B.C. now it is more than 2200 years. Tashkent was a part of Persian and Macedonian empire B.C. Additionally, during the Middle Ages it was a part of Ephtalits, Turks, Mongols and Empire of Great Amit Temur called Tamerlan. Nowadays, Tashkent consists of 2 parts: the Old city and the New Tashkent. Chorsu Bazaar is situated right in the old part behind old mosque "Kukaldosh" (about 17-18 c...